Grippers 3 Quijadas

A pneumatic gripper is a type of pneumatic actuator gripping solution that includes tooling jaws or fingers that grasp an object. Grippers are run on compressed air and have the ability to pick up, place, hold and release objects while an action is being executed.


• Aerospace

• Automotive

• Food and Packaging

• Consumer Goods

PPC Series

Gripper Force: 331 a 638 lbsf

Stroke: 0.300 a 1.181 in

RTH Series

Gripper Force: 153 a 7,933 lbsf

Stroke: 0.160 a 1.380 in

3P Series

Gripper Force: 95 a 2,515 lbsf

Stroke: 0.390 a 1.970 in

REP-3 Series

Gripper Force: 81 a 666 lbsf

Stroke: 0.394 a 1.118 in

RPC Series

Gripper Force: 100 a 3,000 lbsf

Stroke: 0.300 a 1.380 in

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